Pssst! Have I Got a Cover Letter Secret For You!
by Jimmy Sweeney
Today is the day you've been waiting for. You are the lucky winner of a secret so small, yet so powerful, it will take your breath away.
Here is a marketing technique that giants in the advertising and direct sales industries have used effectively for decades. Yet, rarely, if ever, have you seen it used in a job-search cover letter - until now.
Ta Da! (Drum roll, please!)
Here's the greatest cover letter secret ever revealed...
Its 'proper' name is postscript. Its nickname is P.S. Add this little fellow to the end of your next cover letter and watch the phone calls for interviews roll in.
A person cannot not read a P.S. It is so powerful that it practically begs a person to skip down to the bottom and read it first.
Think about it. When you receive a letter with a P.S., don't your eyes move right to it? You're dying to find out what it's all about - whether a special offer, a bit of exciting news, free shipping on a product, a hug or kiss from a friend or loved one.
In marketing and advertising, the purpose of a P.S. is to state again the action you want the reader to take. For a job-seeker, it's a call for an interview. After sharing your qualifications in the letter, the P.S. reminds the reader of what you really want - the opportunity to meet in person to discuss the job. This 'direct hit' at the end of the cover letter can lead to that desired result.
Three ways to use the P.S. in a cover letter
P.S. I'll follow up by phone and e-mail on June 20th. I would love to meet in person to discuss how I can fill the position (insert job title) I applied for. I can be reached right away at 555-555-5555. Thank you in advance.
P.S. I welcome the chance to meet at your convenience. Feel free to call me at 555-555-5555 to schedule an interview regarding (insert job title). I'm available any time you choose.
P.S. I'm eager to talk with you about how I can fill the position you advertised. {insert job opening title here}. {Company name} is number one on my list of organizations I'd like to work for. Contact me directly at 555-555-5555. Thank you for your time.
As you can see, the P.S. is hard to ignore! It's clear and focused and brief.
Tips for using the P.S. (postscript): Position the P.S. at the bottom of your cover letter and justified to the left. I recommend using either bold text or italics. Do not use both.
P.S. People are conditioned to read the P.S. so be sure to include one in your next cover letter.
P.P.S. Remember, the P.S. is our little secret. Share with others at your own risk!
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