By Emmanuel Segui
A lot of people say: "Problems! Nothing but problems, one after another!" You have known people whose viewpoint on life is expressed that way. They are the ones who scowl at the world and accuse it of producing problems for them, "one after another." They are the ones who look at problems as gloomy clouds hanging over their heads. I am sure that you know unhappy people like that, and you tend to sympathize with them.
On the other hand, some people say: "I've got just as many cares and problems as you have! I've got lots of problems, but I take care of them and they take care of me."
What's the difference that makes the difference? Just what is a problem? Boiled down to essentials, a problem is a question without an easily determined answer! Here's proof...
If you are faced with a question, and you find an answer, you have no problem. If you are faced with a question, and there is no apparent answer, you have a problem.
Incidentally, these two sentences give you the key to handling problems - any and all problems! Do you see the "key"? Take a guess; you'll probably hit it pretty close.
Do you think that anybody can go through life without coming face-to-face with questions that concern him? Of course not! Well, then, do you think that anyone is ever able to immediately find answers to every question that confronts him? Certainly not! So, it is only simple logic to assume that everybody is going to have problems and have them consistently.
Concentrate on answers
The gloomy person is concentrating on his problems, while the person who is relaxed and contented is concentrating on the answers to his problems! It's really as simple as that! This works because concentration on the answers to problems is the positive approach. When you apply positive action to finding the answers, you are "living well" with your problems. Furthermore, you put this positive technique into operation by starting the action with decision. This produces a "1-2-3" formula for making all problems good problems. You will see that there is nothing complex about this formula...
The gloomy person is concentrating on his problems, while the person who is relaxed and contented is concentrating on the answers to his problems! It's really as simple as that! This works because concentration on the answers to problems is the positive approach. When you apply positive action to finding the answers, you are "living well" with your problems. Furthermore, you put this positive technique into operation by starting the action with decision. This produces a "1-2-3" formula for making all problems good problems. You will see that there is nothing complex about this formula...
- Step 1. Decide just what the problem is. Simplify it. Eliminate all the fuzzy negative issues that may have become attached to it. Every problem has one basic question, which is the core of it. Identify that core. As soon as you go into action in arriving at this decision, you have put a positive slant on the problem.Failure to do this tends to let the question grow into unwieldy proportions. When this happens, inferiority complexes are often born of the distorted belief that there is no answer to a problem.
- Step 2. After you have simplified the problem, decide what the best answer is. There is a best answer to every problem. Often there is a choice of answers, but only one of them will be the best. Talk things over with yourself, even starting out by saying "I could do this, or this, or this." Assign those possible answers to your subconscious for help. But be assured that concentration on the best answer will reveal it to you.
- Step 3. Once you have decided on the best answer, act on it! Remember what the "contented" person said: "I've got lots of problems, but I take care of them, and they take care of me." Obviously what he meant was that he acted in response to the positive best answers. As a result, he turned his problems into achievements instead of letting them defeat him.
Everyone's problems are his own responsibility. What a gloomy person needs is the cultivation of more faith in himself and the adoption of that "1-2-3" formula. This person himself is the key to whether problems are good or bad in his life, just as it is with you and with everybody else. Again, what is a problem? It's a question without an immediately apparent answer. But between the words "question" and "answer" is the person himself, and his action or lack of it.
You now know that you can find the best answers to problems by turning on this power of subconscious concentration. And now you know that you can do it, "1-2-3."
Guide for a Planned and Purposeful Life
Only 3 or 4 people, out of a hundred, set goals and live a purposeful life. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, there is no other way. Talking or wishing has never resolved any problem and never will. Action is what is important. Planning is what is essential. Having a purpose is the foundation.
Only 3 or 4 people, out of a hundred, set goals and live a purposeful life. If you want to turn your dreams into reality, there is no other way. Talking or wishing has never resolved any problem and never will. Action is what is important. Planning is what is essential. Having a purpose is the foundation.
Here are six guides, or six steps for a planned and purposeful life. These steps brings action, wisdom and enlightenment as you pursue your dreams.
- First, do, positively, the creed that calls for action, performance, production and accomplishment. The new creed of living is the creed of "do". It is the opposite of the creed of "do not," the negative creed of rejection, procrastination, fear and failure. This positive creed says "do, rather than do not"; "do, rather than talk about it"; "do, rather than wish"; "do, rather than wait."
- Second, deliberately condition your subconscious by what you do consciously. Wholeheartedly want the best outcomes from your actions. Let your subconscious have free reign in demonstrating its great power. The subconscious mind has the power to work for you and bring you all the good that you desire. It has the ability, when properly understood and used, to help you attract people, opportunities and money that will guarantee and maximize your chances of success.Unleash the power of the subconscious mind by visualizing, affirming, feeling and doing. You then activate the law of attraction that will give you all the good that you desire according to your dominant thoughts.
- Third, establish in your life a pattern of personal 'retreats' where you concentrate on your purpose in life, and look at your progress objectively.Meditation is reflecting and receiving. Receiving inspiration, wisdom, health and spirituality.Meditation is a continuous and profound contemplation on a subject or series of subjects of a deep nature.Meditation brings a sense of fullness and wholeness. It is one of the best sources of tranquility available to human beings.Prayer is meditation. The habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge
- Fourth, seek guidance, and use all of the readily available resources to equip you with practical, usable knowledge of positive living. Coaches, mentors and good advice are everywhere. You can attract the best by the person you are, the person you want to be. People will help you find a solution when you're down. Mentors will believe in you when you doubt. A good friend will give you some advice that can transform the moment and recharge your batteries.
- Fifth, keep your program full of positive, progressive action by having several goals in prospect, on a variety of subjects, at the same time. Setting goals will set you apart from the average person. Setting and achieving goals are not reserved to an elite. Yet, it seems that only 3 or 4 people out of a hundred properly select goals that will change their lives.
- Sixth, take advantage of the full capacity of your subconscious to serve you by deliberately giving your inner mind positive projects to work on, even while you sleep. Your subconscious mind works 24/7. You can find in it an ally that will help you solve problems. Watch your thoughts, especially when you're about to sleep. Give your subconscious a problem to solve or some positive thoughts to work on during your night.
These six guides for a planned and purposeful life involve your whole you: your body (action), your spirit (meditation), your mind (conscious and subconscious) and your heart (emotions) to activate the Law of Attraction. This is the basis for the positive plan of your life!
Copyright © 2006 Emmanuel Segui - All Rights reserved
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