Sunday, May 9, 2010

Empowerment Through Positive Attitude

Ever felt you could do no wrong, that you were "on a roll"? That everything in your life was falling into place, even if just for a short while. There'll be other times too, when nothing seemed to go right, when you seemed to be running to stand still, always playing "catch-up". Jobs you were working on just didn't seem to get done and you felt generally bad.

So what's the difference? It's still you! All that's changed is your own attitude and motivation level.

Attitude affects motivation
thoughts affect our actions, our attitude affects our motivation so it's important to know a what other factors affect how we feel.

Changing state

It can take real effort to create a negative attitude. Making those shoulders sag is a good start. Then you might start talking in a melancholy voice - that usually helps.To become more positive, you merely reverse the things that cause those negative attitudinal feelings.!

Triggers to emotion

I love music, and have quite a collection, ranging from Joni Mitchel, through Isaac Hayes, Jacques Lousier, dance, salsa, Chicago House, oh, and Meatloaf!

Now I drive to work every day, it's around 50 miles each way, so I keep the local radio on for company. Of course, I know the road well so tend to use the time to mentally prepare myself for the day. And yet, quite often I'll find that a piece of music that's on in the background will trigger a memory or emotion in me without me consciously thinking about it at all. I could list dozens of examples. Printable ones include warm beaches, first date, defining moments in my life. Wherever I am, and whatever I'm doing, when these pieces of music play, I'm taken straight back in time and relive these emotions.

In Anthony Robbin's book "Ultimate power", he calls these experiences "anchors". I prefer the term "trigger", because what's happening here is simply that my subconscious is taking elements from a past experience and replaying the emotion that went with that experience. Powerful, isn't it?

Doing it for yourself

I've a suspicion that you, my reader, will have pieces of music that trigger positive emotions. Or another sound, a smell, a certain look from a stranger. Can you identify any right now? If you can, great, if not, don't worry, the time will come when one will come up on the radio or in the supermarket. When it does, commit it to your conscious memory.

Why? It's simple: these triggers happen automatically when a set of circumstances occur. Guess what, they also happen if you consciously think of the trigger. Try it when you're having a tough day. Think of one of your empowering pieces of music and feel the change in your mood!

Use this technique in your daily life and I promise, you need never have a bad day again!

The ultimate energised state

This takes time, and when I've used these techniques, it's been in groups, where people can feed off the raw emotion of others. However, I have a belief that the following technique will work for you, if you believe it's possible and you really work at creating a specific trigger.

Before I give you the technique, here's a story.

Now you know the technique!

It's simple, isn't it? Triggers can be created automatically, by your subconscious. They can also be created consciously, by you! You just need to think of a time in your life when you really felt you were on a roll, define or redefine that memory with the richness of the moment (the sights, sounds, smell, touch etc) and commit it to become your personal "power" trigger.

Whenever you need to feel powerful, that emotion will be there waiting for you, at your command. All you need to do is create the trigger mechanism.

Creating your personal trigger

You must be in a relaxed state to do this. Close your eyes, be aware of your body and how you are breathing. Gradually take deeper breaths, listening and concentrating only on the sound of your own breathing.

Now, with your eyes still closed, think of that defining moment in your life, the time when you felt at your best, when nothing could stop you. Remember how it felt, how good it was, the emotions, the confidence. Powerful, focused, unstoppable.

Bring the emotions of the day back into your mind, and keeping the feeling, deepen your breathing, tensing your muscles a little as you do. After a few seconds, gradually release the tension, take one final deep breath then open your eyes.

Do this many times. Each time you open your eyes, clap your hands hard together, so that the palms of your hands sting. The more times you do this, your subconscious will start to create the trigger of "stinging hands=powerful positive emotion". Over time, you'll be able to command that emotion at will, simply be clapping your hands!

How long does this take

Give it time, and believe it can happen. Then it will. Remember, our thoughts affect our actions, if we believe something will work, it will.


Today you can demonstrate to yourself that you can change your emotional state at will. By looking in your mind for positive memories you can change from a paralysing state into an empowered state.

Imagine: you never need have a bad day again!

Peter Venn is a training and call-centre consultant

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