Saturday, November 24, 2012

How Do We Measure Informal On-the-Job Training?

How Do We Measure Informal On-the-Job Training?

Q: How could we track on-the-job training for a wide array of jobs and projects? We believe the tracking is necessary since most of our training is delivered through mentoring on the job.

A: Tracking on-the-job training, or OJT, is challenging. Every day, we have hundreds if not thousands of opportunities to learn, grow and develop. Add the complexity of working in a technical field, such as the chemical industry, and tracking OJT can make your head spin. That being said, there are some practical steps that can making tracking OJT a worthwhile and mission-focused experience.

1. Target OJT Recipients.
Does everyone fall into the category of having OJT, or only a select group? At a certain level, we all have OJT but for some groups, it may be more than others. For instance, an emerging management trainee group or leadership cohort might be more inclined to have OJT than others.

2. Define OJT.
Is OJT all day long or a set period of time with a mentor? It is important to define the timeframe that is considered OJT. People can get overwhelmed when we try to give them too much new stuff during the day.

3. Identify Key Learning Points.
A key learning point, or KLP, is information that is critical to success in a job and for that matter, critical to the company's success as a whole. In order to figure out a true KLP, one might consider looking at the job description, mission and vision. These internal documents can provide focus for understanding what an individual learns during on-the-job training.

4. Track Learning in a Journal.
Have the employee write down what they learn each day. The journal becomes the tracking system. It is maintained by the individual and customized to his or her unique learning environment and needs. This should occur in conjunction with mentoring of employees.

5. Put Learning Into Practice.
Too often, organizations get wrapped up in providing training but not looking for ways for the person to use the training. By maintaining a journal and being challenged by a mentor on a daily basis, employees are better positioned to use on-the-job learning to achieve success, both individually and for your company.

[Source: Dana Jarvis, HR director, Snavely Forest Products, and adjunct professor, Duquesne University, January 8, 2007.]

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